But I Say to You

Jesus is a greater prophet than Moses. That's what Matthew seems to be pointing out in his Gospel written to a Jewish audience. He also notes that Jesus often climbs a mountain before teaching. The new Moses is on a mountain, signifying the importance of who is speaking and what he has to say.

As Jesus teaches disciples on the mountain he announces kingdom decrees. As once Moses gave God's law to Israel, now Jesus is giving the law for his kingdom that includes Jews and Gentiles. He gets to the heart of man and takes the commandments to a new level.

Join us, as we seek to follow Jesus as he leads and convicts us to put aside all that hinders knowing him.

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Sermon Series Messages

July 5 - The New Lawgiver

July 12 - The Murder We all Commit

July 19 - Our Scarlet Letter

July 26 - Evil Origins

August 2 - Stop Resisting Who?

August 9 - Our Story-Love that Rewards

August 16 - Righteousness that Rewards

August 23 - Treasure that Rewards

Augsust 30 - Seeking that Rewards